速報APP / 健康塑身 / 400M Sprint Training

400M Sprint Training





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



400M Sprint Training(圖1)-速報App

The 400 meter dash is a track event that combines speed, muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance. Consequently, a specific training curriculum must be utilized to meet up the metabolic and physical needs of the event. To meet up these needs, 400 meter sprint workouts concentrate on top speed, tempo training and stamina with a standard objective of developing technique, speed, strength and endurance.

The 400m is a sprint with athletes running at over 90% of maximum speed for the one lap. To do this requires great physical and mental strength. The athlete, for example, has to build up a tolerance to the “waste products” that build up in the bloodstream (lactic acid is formed which has a stifling effect on performance). The good news is that regular and relevant training will enable all athletes to maximize their potential and this app contains all the necessary training and workouts.

400M Sprint Training(圖2)-速報App

400M Sprint Training(圖3)-速報App

400M Sprint Training(圖4)-速報App

400M Sprint Training(圖5)-速報App

400M Sprint Training(圖6)-速報App

400M Sprint Training(圖7)-速報App

400M Sprint Training(圖8)-速報App

400M Sprint Training(圖9)-速報App